Based in Spain, Filip Custic is on the way to create his own vocabulary of objects through a variety of mediums. We sat down with the multidisciplinary artist to talk about his inspiration, ideas, and the influence of his fashion photography background.

PS: Which was your favorite object as a child?
FC: This is a hard question because I had so many. But something special that my mother always reminds me about was the box of shoes. I used to create beautiful houses inside of them.
PS: How has the fact that you grew up in Croatia, a country so different from Spain, influenced your work?
FC: I moved so many times as a child, I never felt I was part of somewhere. But some time ago I realized my aesthetic has a lot from Eastern Europe. I’m a very systematic person and very technical despite my creative work.

PS: Where do you find the inspiration?
FC: I try to be in the “creative mood” constantly so I find inspiration everywhere. I also feel very lucky to be surrounded by inspiring friends such as you, Maria Forqué, Soraya Gartoua, Carlota Guerrero, Blanca Miró, Rosalía, Daniel del Valle… Museums also help me to open my mind. Lately I am finding inspiration in my “ego” and my “spirit”.
PS: Who are your Muses and maximum referents?
FC: When I started to take my art more seriously, I found a big inspiration more in boys and rejected women. Then I met María Forqué, who I think is my female reflection. She is my biggest muse at the moment and now I see the female figure in a different way thanks to her. The Spanish flamenco singer Rosalía inspires me a lot too now.
And maximum referents? Salvador Dalí for sure, Magritte, Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Duchamp… I admire their minds more than the result. The result is the reflection of their minds.

PS: What do you think of the evolution that has taken your work since you started?
FC: I feel I’m like a river. I like the constant change and evolution. Everything is becoming more complex and I like it. I’ve realized I don’t do only photography. Using a camera is not my unique way to communicate something, but also “alive installations”, videos, music… I feel very happy with what I do and create. Also blessed that I can translate what happens in my mind and materialize it. My last project of the “hyper realistic mask” talks about the existence of the “ego” and that’s something that comes to my mind a lot and it helps me to be more conscient. I like to have the feeling of being impressed with how I change and grow.
PS: What is an “alive installation”?
FC: The answer is very simple. As I’m developing “objetismo” as a new movement, “alive installation” is the limbo between a person and an object.
PS: In your last works you look for impossible perspectives and visions. What are the steps you take when developing an idea?
FC: When I start to think about an idea, I try to do something never done before. I’m obsessed with showing people alternative realities and opening people’s mind.

PS: Describe the creative landscape right now in Spain.
FC: I think Spain is creatively the most interesting and inspiring place to be at the moment. I’ve lived in New York a few months this year and I felt very proud for being Spanish. New York inspires me a lot too, but leaving Spain for a while helped me to see Spain with another perspective. Spain is living a golden moment.
PS: In which area do you find yourself more comfortable, photography or performance? What makes you do the latter?
FC: As I said before, I like to feel free to use all the tools to communicate a message. Sometimes the perfect tool is performance, sometimes photography, video, music, maybe medicine or robotics in the future.

PS: Looking to the future, to what extent are the projects going to leave the field of photography?
FC: From my point of view, I don’t feel like a photographer. I like to define myself as a “virtual painter”. That’s always gonna be there because I love to do it more than anything. When I retouch an image, it’s like I’m on ecstasy. Honestly my pictures with no retouching are a shit, because for me it’s like a puzzle. I combine different photos I take to make one.
PS: What topics have interested you lately?
FC: I’m very interested in optical illusions more than ever, and their connection with the universe. Also astral bodies and lucid dreams. Still wondering how to materialize it.
PS: How do you think fashion affects your work?
FC: Fashion (not the industry) showed me that my body is my temple. I can decorate my temple to show the inside of me. How I feel and what I want to communicate.