TU­NICA Is­sue No. 3.
Cover: Ryan de la Hoz & Mem­phis Group

To promote in every possible way the interests of the arts, recognizing no taboos.

It’s here that we stand as particles, as a whole, like a body in a continuous drift, longing for a place to fuse and elevate its deeds.

The postmodern scene is a good picture, we admire your energy, silently, expectantly, Ma-ga-zine ‘de vers’.

Enormous Youngsters, you and Artists are the only things (you don’t mind being called things?) leaving the world with a little life in it.

You are the word of change and prevalence, all emphatic ions.

A word of advice; leave works of art alone, the ego is a great enemy of progress, a modern caricature.

A Tunica is what we all would wear in our hope against oblivion.

Staying power! Brave comrades!